Dragon Reborn PSW Wiki

For use in: General purpose RPs, can be sitter.

Name: Shyla Adair (NSW)
Age: 235
Origin: Ghealdan

Physical Appearance: brown hair streaked with gray worn long and held back by a clip, brown almond-shaped eyes, average height, slim, mouth always seems held in a small smile.

Character History[]

Shyla came to the White Tower at the ripe young age of 15. She was the daughter of a soldier and a merchant, though her parents barely earned those titles. Her father guarded the border to Amadicia along with hundreds of other men, never achieving anything great and never marching out against the Whitecloaks. Her mother picked berries and tree fruits when they were in season to sell in town. She helped her mother as soon as she was old enough and sometimes even helped bake pies and make jellies, which sometimes sold better than the raw fruit.

She was at her mother's stand one day when a strange woman fleeing from Amadicia came into town. Her mother whispered that she should take the woman into their basement and hide her until the fuss died down. While hiding with the woman in the basement, Shyla asked her questions, many which the woman didn't answer. Later Shyla wondered if perhaps the woman didn't test her just to get a moment of peace. She tested true and when Shyla's mother came to tell the woman it was safe to leave, the woman had a discussion with Shyla's mother. It ended with the decision that Shyla would go with the woman to Tar Valon.

She spent eight years as a Novice and ten as an Accepted. Most knew before she entered the Arches that she would choose Gray, though some believed it was decided from the day she became a Novice brought in by a Gray and mentored by a Gray. As a Gray she had opportunities to stick her fingers in many numbers of political pies, including acting as advisor to five different rulers in her 200 years as Aes Sedai. She is a skilled negotiator, though she prefers to work in the background whenever possible. She is uniquely suited for the position of advisor.